Numerous interventions during oral surgery and dental technical treatments are associated with pain or unpleasant feelings for the patient. The soft tissue laser therapy is a sensible way out for all patients, whereby working with a laser does not only fulfil purely surgical purposes. Rather, soft tissue laser therapy also stimulates wound healing or helps existing inflammation to subside faster than usual. The various areas of application of soft tissue laser therapy are appreciated by patients precisely because it is associated with a significantly lower pain sensation.
The surgical cut in soft tissue laser therapy
In modernen Zahnklinik ist es bereits üblich geworden, je nach Art des Eingriffes auf klassische, chirurgische Werkzeuge zu verzichten und stattdessen mit einem Laser zu arbeiten. Gerade wenn es notwendig wird, Zahnfleisch und ähnliches Weichgewebe aufzuschneiden, um so besser an Entzündungen oder andere Probleme heranzukommen, stellt der Laser eine sinnvolle Alternative zu anderem, chirurgischen Werkzeug dar. Im Rahmen der Weichgewebe-Lasertherapie kann behutsam ein Schnitt am Zahnfleisch vorgenommen werden, der für den Patienten mit deutlich weniger Schmerzen verbunden ist als bei einem klassischen, chirurgischen Eingriff.
Driving healing forward with soft tissue laser therapy
Soft tissue laser therapy is used even more frequently if treatment has already been carried out in the dental area and a fast closure of wounds as well as optimal and timely healing is desired. Here, the energy of the laser causes the surrounding tissue of an incision to fuse, accelerating the fusion of the wounded soft material. A classic suturing of open wounds in the oral cavity thus becomes superfluous in many cases. Instead, the soft tissue merges in a completely natural way and thus saves tedious follow-up checks and tiresome pulling of the sutures.